Monday, February 29, 2016

108 Slither

Slither is one of 12 TDD in a special Creatures series.

He seems to be a slimy robotic creature with metallic dreadlocks.  He kinda reminds me of Mojo from the X-Men cartoon.  More so, he reminds me of the squiddys (aka sentinels) from The Matrix movies.

His bio says that he is a rat farmer, his favorite food is "anything cute and furry," and his favorite movie is The Nightmare Before Christmas. 

In that case, Slither kinda seems like the Harlequin Demon -- a very minor side character from said movie.

Sunday, February 28, 2016

109 Seabeast

Seabeast is one of 12 TDD in a special Creatures series.

He looks like Blanka (Street Fighter) with Beavis' hair.

His bio says that he is a massage therapist, his favorite food is "beached whale," and his favorite movie is The Incredible Hulk. However, if you think about it, since this figure came out in 2002, it predates both Hulk movies: Hulk (2003) and The Incredible Hulk (2008).  They probably should have written "favorite TV show" on his bio instead.

Saturday, February 27, 2016

110 Thooloo

Thooloo is one of 12 TDD from the Creatures series.

He is clearly derived from Cthulhu, the cosmic creature from Howard Phillips Lovecraft. 

However, he has a bird-beak!  Maybe he is part cuckoo?

His bio says that he is a hypnotist, his favorite food is "fish 'n' lips," and his favorite movie is The Island of Dr. Moreau.  This movie (and book) is about the creation of "Beast Folk" by dissecting and combining humans with various other animals.

Friday, February 26, 2016

111 Quasimummy

Quasimummy is one of 12 TDD in a special Creatures series. 

He is half Quasimodo (The Hunchback of Notre Dame), half The Mummy, and all crazy!

His bio says that he is a fabric salesman, his favorite food is "beetle kabobs," and his favorite movie is Stargate. This 1994 sci-fi film explores the idea of ancient aliens using wormholes that connect distant planets to the pyramids in Egypt. 

Thursday, February 25, 2016

112 Pam

Pam is the last of the 12 figures in the Creatures series.

She has eyes all over her body.

She is clearly female. 

I suppose this also makes her the 13th dudette.

But, no.  Not at all.

Her bio says that she is a hairdresser, her favorite food is carrots, and her favorite movie is Pretty Woman. This 1990 film is about falling in love with a hooker -- way too adult for even a mention on the package of a toy -- but whatever, ironic humor y'all!

Wednesday, February 24, 2016

113 Gorgo

Gorgo is the TDD Sasquatch or Bigfoot. 

His regular version is brown.  The most common variant is silver and white.  We call this the Yeti variant.

Then there are two more variants that are different shades of green.  We call these the Swamp Ape variants.

Tuesday, February 23, 2016

114 Thunder

Thunder is a TDD superhero.

Mostly, he resembles Iron Fist.  Several color variants exist.  Sometimes he is colored like various X-Men outfits (yellow and blue, orange and brown, black and blue) One variant also looks like Power Man.

One of the two most common variants is actually colored red and blue like Spider-Man.  This version came with the zood named Venom.  He is a red "radioactive" scorpion.

These are the variants that I have found:

white + green
yellow + green
yellow + blue
orange + brown
black + blue
red + blue
orange + silver (brown skin)

Monday, February 22, 2016

115 Rod

Rod is one of the TDD designers.

He has a zood named Banx.  He is a dog that looks to be a bull terrier. 

Sunday, February 21, 2016

116 Tré

Tré is one of the TDD designers.

He has a zood named DJ.  He is some sort of dog, probably a dachshund.  DJ has four versions.

I am guessing DJ represents a real pet of the designer Tré.

Saturday, February 20, 2016

117 Mikey

Mikey is one of the TDD designers: Mike Petrosky.

He has one of the earliest G1 (armless) figures from Crew 2. This dude wears a blue knit-cap and blue sneakers.

G3 Mikey has a zood named Petro.  He is a rooster wearing boxing gloves.  I am sure this has something to do with the idea of cock fighting.

Since "petro" is a common term for gasoline, the zood's name could possibly relate to Rooster Petroleum.  But, most likely, it is just the first part of Mike's last name. 

There are several color variants of both G3 Mikey and Petro.  

Friday, February 19, 2016

118 J-Dub

J-Dub is one of the TDD designers.  I am not sure what his actual name is.

All of these figures represent the actual designers of the toys:

#100 Chito -- Chito Arellano
#115 Rod
#116 Tre
#117 Mikey -- Mike Petrosky
#118 J-Dub

J-Dub has a zood named Mitch.  He is a tiny elephant.  He has four versions total.

I have no idea why the elephant is named Mitch.  Maybe he was named after US Senator Mitch McConnell -- after all, he is a republican (and the republican mascot is an elephant). If this is way off base, well, that just goes to show that there are dozens of names that would have been better for a pet elephant other than Mitch!

Thursday, February 18, 2016

119 Phinger Tut

Phinger Tut is the TDD mummy.

His name is a play on FingerHut -- a popular catalog and mail order company that has been around since 1948.  His G1 and G3 packaging calls him Phinger Tut, while the G4 package calls him Finger Tut.

He is the last G1 figure (no arms), going by numeration.  Four versions exist in this sculpt.

His G3/G4 form has even more variants.

He also has a zood named Karlof.  He is a mummified cat.  Boris Karlof was the actor who played the mummy Imhotep in the original 1932 classic, The Mummy.

Karloff -- being in the first series of zoods -- has four versions.

Wednesday, February 17, 2016

120 Shadow

Shadow is some sort of super villain.

He is the arch-nemesis of Ultimate Zero

He was made in two versions.  The paint schemes are kind of ambiguous as far as a parody or homage.  The second version reminds me of Gunslinger Spawn.

On the 2007 box art for the Comic Con promotional version of Ultimate Zero, it is suggested that Shadow could be Ultimate Zero's father with the use of the word "sonny."  Of course, this could just be slang.  If the trope holds true, this makes Shadow a bit of a Darth Vader parody.  But honestly, nothing about the single-panel of artwork on the SDCC package makes the slightest bit of sense. 

We should also not that (as far as I know) the coloration of Shadow shown on this box-art does not exist as a figure.

Tuesday, February 16, 2016

121 Theodore

Theodore is a wizard.

He is named after Grand Wizard Theodore -- the hip-hop DJ who invented scratching.

He has been released in at least four versions.

Theodore has a zood named Eddie.  Eddie is griffin.  Like the comedian -- Eddie Griffin.

Eddie is also the name of Dude #71. Doh!

Monday, February 15, 2016

122 Evan

Evan is Alex from A Clockwork Orange. 

The book, written by Anthony Burgess, came out in 1962.  The movie, directed by Stanley Kubrik, came out in 1971.  The main character, Alex DeLarge was played by Malcolm McDowell.

I mention all these names because I have no idea why they named the TDD Evan.

But great job making a toy that represents a violent, sociopathic rapist! 

Sunday, February 14, 2016

123 Sturgeon

Sturgeon is a piscine humanoid.

Although piscine humanoids have been around for centuries in folklore and mythology, Sturgeon will mostly be seen as a parody of Gill-man from the 1954 film The Creature from the Black Lagoon.  Gill-man is one of the most iconic cinematic monsters and part of the Universal Monsters family.

Some G2 box art suggests that the original Sturgeon would have looked even more like Gill-man.  I speculate that the design was made more into a generic piscine humanoid as to avoid infringing on Universal's copyright.

I have found Sturgeon in two paint schemes.  I suspect that there could be a third, but I have not found it.

Oh here it is!  A little surprise lurking in the outhouse that came with the Vanformer playset.  

Saturday, February 13, 2016

124 Cheeze

Cheeze is an amalgam of characters from the 1979 movie The Warriors.  

He is dressed like Cleon, but his name is a reference to Cochise. Both of these characters were in a Coney Island gang called The Warriors.  The whole movie is about gang-banging in NYC.  

Friday, February 12, 2016

125 Neal

Neal is a movie producer or director.

I tend to think of him as a producer, since Lucasberg is our director.  

This is the biographical info on the cardback for Neal:

Occupation: Guerrilla Filmmaker
Hobbies: Rocking out on guitar
Catch Phrase: "I watch 'Cops' to feel better about myself."

I can't think of any definitive relationship that this figure has to a real person.

I think he is supposed to look like Ed Wood the low-budget filmmaker portrayed by Johnny Depp in the famous 1994 film about his life.  Ed Wood is considered one of the earliest guerilla filmmakers having made his independent B-movies back in the 1950s. 

Maybe the hobby and catch phrase relate to some other Johnny Depp role. 

Any ideas?

Also, Neal has a zood from series 6.  His name is Brady, and he is another dog.  He is standing on his hind legs and holding a movie clapboard.  He is wearing the same kind of floppy beret that Neal is wearing.   The origin of his name is also a mystery. 

Thursday, February 11, 2016

126 Lump

Lump is a parody of The Hulk.

He was released in three versions: Dark purple, light purple, and magenta. 

The dark purple Lump came out in the Clash Cubes series in 2006.  The light purple Lump came out in Zoods Crew 6 in 2007.  The magenta Lump came out in 2008 from Spin Master in a G4 comics themed series. 

Lump's zood is a green pet ray (like a sting ray) named Gamma.

Gamma ray.  Get it?

Wednesday, February 10, 2016

127 Hunter

Hunter is writer Hunter S. Thompson.

Thompson was a popular author and journalist who died in February 2005. 

This figure came out sometime that same year. 

His most famous book is the 1971 novel Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas.  In 1988, this novel was adapted into a hit motion picture.  The main character -- a fictionalized version of Hunter himself -- was played by Johnny Depp.

Hunter has a zood which is a little T-Rex wearing a dealer's visor.  His name is Gonze

In the movie, the travel partner of the main character is Dr. Gonzo.  There is a scene is the movie where Hunter is high on LSD and he envisions all the patrons of a casino as human-like reptiles or dinosaurs.  Although there is no creature specifically wearing a dealer's visor, we can bet that the zood is still derived from this LSD trip where people are seen as giant reptiles that wear human clothes and hump each other in the casino.

Tuesday, February 9, 2016

128 Baumer

Baumer is the TDD tennis player.

His name and likeness comes from Richie Tenenbaum, one of the main characters in the 2001 comedy The Royal Tenenbaums.

In this film, Luke Wilson plays Richie Tenenbaum -- a tennis prodigy who ends his successful career with a mental meltdown at age 26.

Richie Tenenbaum has a pet hawk named Mordecai. 

Likewise, Buamer has a zood hawk named Morty.

Monday, February 8, 2016

129 Lazlo

Lazlo is a circus ringmaster.

He has a zood named Burly who is a bear.  Burly represents a time when animals were trained to do tricks for the entertainment of millions.

I can't find a specific reference point for the name. There are a few possibilities, but nothing that stands out in an obvious way.

Sunday, February 7, 2016

130 Grillz

Grillz is Jonathan Smith, aka rapper Lil Jon.

He has a zood named Fresh.  He is a skunk.  A crunk skunk. 

Skunk is a potent and smelly strand of marijuana.  You can learn all about it in the Lil Jon song "Da Blow."

Saturday, February 6, 2016

131 Hadoo

At first, I figured Hadoo to be a parody of Goku from Dragon Ball Z.  Goku is the main character of this franchise and has been named the #1 anime character of all time.

Then I realized that he might be a parody of Ryu, the main character from the Street Fighter series of video games.  The two characters are similar and often compared to one another anyway.

The TDD figure is probably an intentional mix of both.  Hadoo has Goku's hair, but Ryu's attire. 

But there is more...

Hadoo has a zood named Ken.  He is a little fire flame with a face. You might call him a flame imp or a fire elemental.  I figured that he was named Ken as a play on the name of the famous filmmaker Ken Burns. Get it? The TDD designers love these little puns.

Then, I learned that Ryu's best friend is named Ken. This character can send bursts of fire from his fists as part of his fighting style. Guess what this "fireball" is called in Street Fighter: The Hadoken!

Hadoo + Ken = Hadoken

In fact, there are quite a number of moves in Street Fighter that have the term "Hado" or "Hadou" in their name.

So this is my final answer: Hadoo is a parody of Ryu from Street Fighter! 

Friday, February 5, 2016

132 Uzie

Uzie is the TDD soccer player.

His name relates to Graham Zusi, a professional soccer player on the US team.

In 2006, when this figure was released, Zusi was playing in college for the University of Maryland.  His team had won the National Championships in 2005.  Then they won again in 2008.

Uzie has a zood named Romeo.  He is an armadillo painted like a soccer ball.  This is appropriate because of the fact that a 3-banded armadillo can curl itself into a perfect ball as a defense mechanism. Honestly, Romeo looks like a 5-banded armadillo though, which isn't even a thing.  There is a 6-banded -- but this species cannot do the ball trick.  At any rate, there are many species of armadillo all over the same South American countries that love soccer, ahem, football.  

As far as that name, Romeo, I am sure it has to do with some soccer player.  My best guess is Bernardo Romeo, an Argentine player.  He played for several teams in the mid-2000s including ones in Spain and Germany.  However, I cannot find a link between him and Graham Zusi, so it might turn out to be a reference to some other soccer player with the name Romeo. 

Anyway, with the addition of Uzie, we now have Tech Deck Dudes for baseball, football, basketball, hockey, tennis, and soccer.  Plus wrestling, sumo wrestling, boxing, and weight lifting.  Plus motocross, surfing, skiing, and snowboarding.

Plenty of sports in Dudeville!

Thursday, February 4, 2016

133 Feng Long

Feng Long is a spoof of the character Long Feng from Avatar: The Last Airbender.

Long Feng is one of the main villains in the show.

The anime cartoon aired on Nickelodeon from 2005-2008.  When this TDD figure came out in 2006, Avatar was still on the air.  This makes Feng Long a rare parody of something that was then-current.

In 2010, a live-action film was made based on the cartoon. However, Long Feng was not the villain in the movie.

Feng Long has a zood named Fang.  He is a red Chinese dragon.

This makes the pair Feng and Fang.  Sounds kind of like Yin and Yang.

It is also worth mentioning that it is Feng Long who is the logical G3 version of TDD #32 Fu Man Finger (because of the conical hat or sugegasa).  This is definitely another mix-up.  In fact, in Trading Card Series 2, the card for Fu Man shows G3 Feng Long.   There is no card for Feng Long since they stopped the series at #99 (Cluckers). 

Wednesday, February 3, 2016

134 Campbell

Campbell is the Tin Man from The Wizard of Oz.

He is the Tin Man in a tin can -- a Campbell's Soup can!

Campbell has a zood named Jerry.  He is a beaver -- a beaver wearing braces!

What a great companion for a tin woodsman.  They can chop down trees together.

I can't think of any joke within the name "Jerry," except at least they didn't name him Harry!

Harry Beaver!

Tuesday, February 2, 2016

135 Radd

This is Radd.  He is all about the 80's.  On the packaging it says that his occupation is as a "professional 80's skateboarder" and that his hobby is playing Pac-Man.

I thought it was really weird that -- since the whole toyline consists of skateboarders -- they would single out any real skateboarder to make a figure. The only pro-boarder that would make any sense by name is P.J. Ladd -- but he is not of the 80's.  And Radd doesn't look anything like Ladd.

Then I thought that he has to be a spoof of some fictional skateboarder from a popular 80s movie.

Bingo. Two really stand out:

One is Thrashin' (starring Josh Brolin) from 1986, and the other is Gleaming the Cube (starring Christian Slater) from 1989.  Both have been cited as influential movies by professional skateboarders.

I think the figure leans toward the first film because the movie is specifically about becoming a pro-skateboarder, and it is really centered in the 80's (having come out three years before the other). On the other hand, the figure kind of leans toward the second film because he looks more like the Christian Slater character.

There is one more thing that we have to say about Radd.

Per both the packaging and figure sculpts, there is no TDD marked #135.  Instead, there are two figures labeled as #138. I guess there was a mix-up at the Dude Factory.  Doh!

Snow Ballah was released first and should have been given #135. 

Because Snow Ballah is far more common than Radd -- and very easy to find on eBay in packages clearly marked #138 -- I have chosen to reassign Radd as the #135.  Radd was part of the first Street Crew series, along with the only other new character, Clobber.

Additionally, Radd is a bit of a legend.  I say this because he appears on the back of every single Street Crew package -- right up until the end of the toyline in 2009.

Monday, February 1, 2016

136 Bernie

Bernie is a burglar.

Most likely the name is associated with Bernie Rhodenbarr, the protagonist of the Burglar series of humorous mystery novels by Lawrence Block.  Ten "Burglar" books would have been released before this figure, and one more afterwards.  All the books have "Burglar" in the title, and all feature Bernie as the main character.

Perhaps the designer of this figure was a fan of these books, or perhaps Bernie just seemed like a good name for a toy burglar.

Bernie has a zood named Filtch.  He is a racoon.  Racoons are the bandits of the animal world.  First, they have that fur on their faces that looks like a mask. Second, they love stealing things! "Filtch" even means to steal something small or of little value.