Sunday, January 31, 2016

137 Matt Hadder

Matt Hadder is a spoofing spoonerism for the Mad Hatter from the Alice in Wonderland books and movies.

A spoonerism is a play on words where you switch around parts of a well-known phrase or name.  (The TDD #8 "Zobo" is also a spoonerism of "Bozo.") 

Anyway, Matt Hadder has one G3 figure, with no variants. 

Matt Hadder has a zood named Cheddar.  Cheddar is a little mouse.  This is a reference to the Dormouse in  Alice in Wonderland.  He is wearing a little clock like Flava Flav.  However, it is the White Rabbit who carries the over-sized clock in Alice.  Maybe they just wanted to change it up a bit as to not be too similar.  Regardless, Cheddar is a pretty cool little figure.

Matt Hadder is also one of the eight G4 Trick Dudes.  He does the "Kick Flip" trick.  Duke and Turbo also have this same gimmick.

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