Thursday, January 21, 2016

147 Nate

Nate is an homage to the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles. 

I can't figure out why he is called Nate.  There is no artist involved with TMNT named Nate.  There is no minor character in the TMNT franchise named Nate. There is no other famous "turtle" named Nate.  There is not even an Italian Renaissance artist named Nathaniel or anything similar.

There is a dude called "Ninja Nate" on Youtube who makes martial arts and parkour videos -- but, he was not around back in 2008 (when this figure was released).  My guess is that it was more like: Hey, what should we call our Ninja Turtle parody?  I dunno, how about Nate? 

Good enough. I mean, since Nick was already taken.

If I were naming him, I would just look up a list of Renaissance painters, and pick a name that could be abbreviated to a somewhat common name.  Here is a list of top 10 Renaissance painters:

1 Leonardo DaVinci
2 Michelangelo
3 Rafael
4 Titian
5 Botticelli
6 Donatello
7 Brunelleschi
8 Giotto
9 Bellini
10 Tintoretto 

That's what I'd have done.  I would have gone with #7, and I would have named him Bruno.

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