Saturday, June 4, 2016

012 Julio

Julio is the Latin musician. 

Originating in Crew 3, his G1 figure was a darker skinned version of Crew 2 Billy.  For real, G1 Julio was just a variant of Billy's sculpt.   He was a generic dude with a backwards cap.  But like I said, he had darker skin.  (This was actually the only time, ever, that Tech Deck gave a variant a new name.)

G1 Julio has three minor variants: Black cap with black shoes, black cap with yellow shoes, and yellow cap with yellow shoes.  

According to both trading card series, there were some plans to release a G2 Julio.  He was drawn wearing a serape (a woven blanket-like shawl), a sombrero (a wide-brimmed hat), and holding two maracas (rattles used to make music).

For some reason, this figure was never produced.  This image is a rare non-dudette example of a redrawn character that was never made into a figure.

Julio did resurface in G3.  He is a very boring figure holding a guitar case in his right hand.  He also has long hair, a belt buckle, and boots.  He vaguely seems like a nod to Julio Iglesias, the best selling Latin artist of all time.

There are three variants of this sculpt also: black, orange, and pale blue outfits. 

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