Sunday, March 6, 2016

102 Rage

Rage is one of 12 figures in a special Creatures series from 2002.

He is blue and has four arms -- kind of like the popular representation of the goddess Kali the Destroyer. 

Kali is one of the Hindu trimurti (three sacred gods) along with Brahma the Creator and Vishnu the Preserver.  Now, we could compare the TDD called Rage to either of these male gods (which are also sometimes depicted with four arms).  However, it is the goddess Kali who is blue and who personifies rage

It is also Kali who carries a sword, just like the one that Rage has.

Iconic Kali is usually disheveled and enraged.  In her four hands, she usually holds a sword, a trident, a severed human head, and a cup to catch the blood falling from the head. 

Anyway, Rage's bio says that he is a tombstone cleaner and his hobby is collecting airsickness bags

At this point, I have seen Rage come up about six times in auction.  Five out of six times, he was missing the lower two arms.  The joint design is super weak and kids just allow the lower arms to get lost.  Keep your eye out for a complete four-armed Rage. 

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