Monday, December 7, 2015

G1 Poster

In 2002, there was a promotional poster distributed that shows nearly all of the G1 Tech Deck Dudes.  It measures 36 x 24 inches. The Dude Museum image used for this website is from this poster.  Let's see what else we can learn from this behemoth.

The poster takes us from images of #1 Billy to #88 Barbie, with three question-marks leaving us to wonder who's next.  Now, we know those characters to be #89 McShanks, #90 Moto, and #91 Snake.  We also know that these are the very first Dudes of Generation Two -- the dudes with arms.  So this poster came out at a pivotal time -- the conclusion of G1, without even a hint of the G2 revamp.

Not all of G1 is represented because of the wacky ret-conned intentionally-out-of-order numbering.  There are four G1 characters not pictured.  They are Cluckers (#99), Mikey (#117), and Phinger Tut (#119).  Plus, the Crew 4 dude named Tag who was dropped altogether.

Also notice that the three characters who were redesigned within G1 are sporting their Version 2.0 looks -- that is Billy (#1), Stevie J (#5), and Petey (#14).

This also might be the first place #43 was given the name Scott.  When he was released (in Crew 7), his name on the package was "Biff."

Finally, notice that the Dude at the bottom of the poster demanding that we "Collect them ALL!" has the name Rodney next to him.  Originally, I thought this was probably one of the graphic designers involved in producing TDD.  I was thinking it was the artist who became Rod (#115). I am not sure this is likely, afterall, since the Rod figure is a black dude.  "Rodney" here is a white dude.

By the way, I am all for creating a poster that serves as a checklist for the toyline.  I obviously like the museum idea, and I think this could have been a nice -- I dare say classy -- piece that would have been fun to display.  But, we have Rodney down there just absolutely screaming at us. Look at the size of that text, the all caps, the different colorAnd to what end?  To demand the obvious? Jeez. Not classy, dude.

I don't really care if you put this kind of crap on the packaging, but honestly a poster is a chance to be something nicer.  A poster will be treated as art, not ephemera -- at least if you design it right. Even a checklist can be art.  I mean, for someone to want to display a poster, that person is already sold on the product. He is already a customer. At least, act as if when designing something like a poster. Yes, I know it is just a promotional poster, but this obnoxious addition is completely out of place.  This was a chance to design a keepsake for hardcore fans, and instead it was delivered as another disposable piece of packaging.

Besides, I am trying to collect them all.  Sincerely.

Please stop yelling at me RODNEY!

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